Finding Resources and Community as a Single Parent

Those of us who are single parents often end up feeling isolated and overwhelmed as we struggle to find resources and support. Every parent deserves access to programs, services, and a community that can help make parenting easier. This not only helps us show up more fully for our children, but it also provides opportunities for us to connect and build relationships with other single parents.

When single parents have resources available to help, we’re better equipped to show up for our children in a meaningful way. These can include support groups, classes, therapy, online resources, and more. Finding resources and community as a single parent is important for our well-being and the growth of our children.

Look for Local Resources

Shows a single parent looking for resources online. Represents how online therapy in california will support you in finding resources that are the best fit for you.

When looking for resources and community as a single parent, it is important to start by researching what is available locally. You can start by asking friends and family, your child's pediatrician or teacher, or a therapist for recommendations. You can also search online for local organizations such as churches and community groups that offer programs and services related to parenting.

In Pasadena, CA, there is a place called The Family Room that offers programs to parents from birth through childhood, including classes for infants, toddlers, and young children. You can also find local resources and communities through Facebook, Meetup groups, and other social media. For instance, if you find a single parenting support group in California on Facebook, you can join and ask questions, connect with other members, and find out about local events geared towards single parents.

It Takes Time

Shows a group of single parents linking arms. Represents how individual therapy online in california will support single parents with their mental health.

You may be eager to find your community and your people so that you can build relationships with others who understand and relate to your experience. It takes time, however, to find people you really connect with and can build meaningful relationships with. Finding the resources and community that are a good fit for you may require some patience and perseverance.

You don’t have to rush and try to find something that works right away. Take your time and keep trying until you find something that resonates with you. Having even one comforting space that you can regularly partake in will do a lot for your mental health. Try not to be discouraged if it takes a few tries before you find a place with a community of people you connect with. You want to find the right fit for you and your family. Just keep trying out resources that appeal to you or feel meaningful, and you will eventually find your people.

Socializing With Other Single Parents

Shows single parents supporting one another. Represents how  individual therapy online in california can help you find resources and community.

In early motherhood, parenthood, or single parenthood, many of us feel resistant to socializing. This is mainly because all our energy is curled inward toward the baby, but it’s also because post-birth we feel so unfamiliar to ourselves. So much has changed! And going outside to be among people, especially strangers, can be difficult when we feel so vulnerable and unresolved in our new identity. Acknowledging this resistance is important, especially for single parents, who do not always have an extra set of hands to help. But this is also why socializing with other single parents can be so beneficial.

Groups are excellent ways for single parents to connect. You can find groups for single parents online, as well as through Meetups, therapy spaces, and other local organizations. These groups are a way for single parents to see that other people are also struggling and to get tips on resources. They can also provide much-needed emotional support, empathetic listeners, and the opportunity to talk through your experiences without judgment.

As a single parent, finding resources and a community of people to connect with is essential for taking care of yourself and showing up more mindfully for your children. You can redirect some of the energy that was curled inward toward venturing out and building meaningful relationships. Through this process, single parents can learn and grow together.


Finding the right resources and community may take some time, and the single parenthood journey can be challenging. You deserve to have someone to talk to who can help you navigate these struggles. At Whole Mother Therapy, we offer online therapy in California so you can find the support you need from the comfort of your own home. You can talk to a caring therapist who understands that you are doing your best as a single parent and who wants to help you find the resources that are right for you. To get started with online therapy and/or an online postpartum support group, simply follow the steps below.

  1. Contact Whole Mother Therapy.

  2. Learn more about us and online therapy in California.

  3. Get the support you need from an online therapist.


Our Pasadena-based online therapy practice offers a variety of mental health services to support single parents, couples, and families. Our services include individual therapy for new parents, postpartum anxiety treatment, therapy for birth trauma, therapy for infant loss and pregnancy loss, postpartum depression support, marriage counseling and couples therapy for new parents, counseling for parental burnout and overwhelm, and online therapy in California for new and expecting parents.

We also offer an eight-week in-person Sacred Motherhood Circle to honor the transitions and transformations of motherhood. And we hold several support groups, including an online pregnancy support group and an online postpartum support group. Finally, you can read more about our services, values, and resources on our therapy blog.

Sepideh Hakimzadeh