Dear Mama

Dear Mama,

I am here to remind you of your divinity.

Too often, we forget our power as mothers. The power of our womb. The power of our heart. The power of our touch. The power of our voice.

We forget that we are leaders. Creators. Visionaries


Patriarchy has desecrated our divinity. It has fed us a diluted image of Mother Mary: chaste, white, subservient, docile. A version of motherhood so “pure” that even conception was immaculate. It’s a dishonest representation that sets us up to fail while robbing us of the glory, beauty, and intensity of true motherhood. It refuses to reckon with our existence as humans with a womb, holding the light and the darkness in equal measure, connected intimately to life and death and the rhythms of the Earth.

Dear Mama, I invite you to remember who you are. I invite you to remember your power, your voice, your sovereignty.

The system, shaped and enforced by patriarchy, wants us to live in fear. To live in the illusion of our separateness. To relinquish our inherent divine right to wholeness.

A mother embodied is a mother who will change the world. A mother embodied is a mother who is willing to face their fears, their shadows. A mother embodied is a mother willing to heal ancestral wounds and trauma. A mother embodied is a mother who holds sacred their deep gifts and medicine.

A mother embodied is at home in her sovereignty. In her power. In her voice.

And—most potently—a mother embodied will raise embodied, sovereign humans who see through the illusions of the systems they had no part in creating.

Dear Mama, the time is now. How will you embody the divine?

Let’s talk.

We would love to connect with you.

We offer many therapy options, including several support groups, a virtual pregnancy support group, and a virtual postpartum support group. Let us help.

Sepideh Hakimzadeh