Nonbinary Parenthood: A Therapist Helps Redefine Family in a Gendered World

An image of a person holding a cutout of four paper bodies up to the sun representing how we are all one people and human without being gendered. Non-Binary parents can find support here with people who know that.

In this world, everything is pretty gendered. Even though we are moving towards trans and non-binary visibility, we are still stuck on the idea that everything is so black and white, girl and boy, and so on. Many individuals become parents in various ways—the foster system, adoption, childbirth, etc. However, when you are a non-binary identifying parent, how can you be authentic, instill values, and still find your place in this inherently gendered world? To be honest, it's pretty challenging, and the idea of being a gender-fluid, non-binary parent is relatively new to some.

You may feel Isolated and Alone Right Now

As non-binary parents, you may feel isolated in a world that doesn't always understand or support your non-binary identity. You may struggle with feeling like you must conform to rigid gender roles to parent adequately, which can be traumatizing, inauthentic, and anxiety-inducing.

A non-binary person throws their child up into the air in front of a sunset and water. Showing that happy children have good parents, not just gendered ones.

Representation, Visibility, and Elevating Nonbinary Parents is Great Support!

Share stories from nonbinary parents about their experiences raising children

As a community, you can offer words of hope and support for nonbinary parents struggling to find their place in a gendered world, and celebrate the strength, resilience, and courage it takes to navigate non-binary parenthood. And remember that non-binary parenting can be just as valid and amazing as non-binary identity, so be proud of who you are and what you do!

Offer advice for other parents who are struggling with their own gender identity

As non-binary parents, you may be struggling with your own gender identity. One of the best things that you can do is reach out for support and connect with other non-binary parents who understand what you are going through. Talk to a Pasadena therapist or counselor about your experiences, and seek out non-binary parent support groups online or in your local community. Whole Mother Therapy offers unique and diverse therapy experiences for those who are in the LGBTQIA+, BIPOC, and non-binary communities. Reach out to us if you want to see if non-binary therapy in California is a good fit for you!

an Image of a child and their non-binary parent comforting them. A good parent doesn't have to be gendered, they just have to show they care. Get non-binary therapy support from Whole Mother Therapy to do just that! Call now.

Resources and Readings for Nonbinary Parents in California

If you are looking for additional resources and readings to support non-binary parents, here are just a few that we recommend:

Support Groups:

Podcasts for Non-Binary Families

  • Non-Binary Parenting Podcasts~Beyond the Binary Podcast

  • Non-Binary Parenting: Transitioning to Parenthood~Gender Stories Podcast

  • The Non-Binary Family Fun and Support Show

Get Postpartum Support in California!

If you are a new mother in California suffering from postpartum depression or anxiety, help is available. Online therapy is a convenient and confidential option that can provide you with the support you need from the comfort of your own home. To learn more about online therapy and whether it may be right for you, please visit our website or contact us. To Get started:

  1. Contact Whole Mother Therapy

  2. Learn about your postpartum therapists

  3. Get the support to recover what you need!


We offer services that are tailored to fit the needs of each client. The lives of each person are unique and are shaped by a variety of experiences. As a result, our Pasadena office has therapists who offer a wide range of mental health services at our Pasadena office, we provide individual therapy for new parents, postpartum anxiety treatment, birth trauma, postpartum depression support, marriage counseling, and couples therapy for new parents, in-home visits, and virtual therapy.

We also offer an eight-week in-person Sacred Motherhood Circle to honor the transitions and transformations of motherhood. And we hold several support groups, including an online pregnancy support group and an online postpartum support group. Finally, you can read more about our services, values, and resources on our therapy blog.

Sepideh Hakimzadeh