What it Means to Parent and Mother with Hope

Mothering with hope, in a world that often seems to be teetering on the brink of devastation, is an act of resolute courage and profound love. Amidst talks of climate catastrophe and crumbling social infrastructures, we, as parents, bear the weighty responsibility of sowing seeds of hope and vision. All in the fertile minds of our children. This task, while intimidating, is not insurmountable. It demands us to defy the bleak narratives, resist succumbing to despair, and instead, foster an environment of optimism.

In this seemingly grim era, what does hopeful parenting look like? It is about focusing on the possibilities and potentials, rather than the despair. It is about nurturing resilience, instilling values of compassion, fostering creativity, and cultivating a sense of responsibility in our children. So they can create a world that rises from the ashes of today's challenges

By Dwelling on the Desolation, We Inadvertently Choke the Seeds of Hope and Potential that We Have Planted in Our Children's Hearts.

Shows two children and a woman planting plants. Represents how mom guilt in Pasadena, CA can be worked through with an online therapist in california.

Instead, let us remember that every moment of crisis also holds the potential for liberation. As the world appears to be going 'to hell in a handbasket', let us remember that out of these ashes, a rebirth is possible. The essence of hopeful parenting is to nurture this belief, to inspire our children to believe in the potential for transformation, and to empower them to be the catalysts in this process.

In this tumultuous era, parenting with hope requires strategic foresight and a resilient mindset. It entails remembering and connecting to the earth through our ancestral traditions and cultures. This allows us to connect to something deeper outside of our ego and ground our energies in the vision of a different world. Which in turn guides us in making the necessary changes in our lives and parenting to reflect the visions. At its root this is what liberation work looks and feels like. Every day waking up and choosing in what way you want to be in a relationship with the earth.

In the Face of Despair, It Is Easy to Allow Ourselves to Be Swept Away by the Tide of Hopelessness. 

However, this only continues an endless cycle of dread and inaction. This is one of the strategies of the predatory systems we live in. To cripple and paralyze you in feeling hopeless, alone, and isolated. To break free from this illusion you need to connect to the energies that are bigger than you and come back to your roots. Your roots are what ground you in your life. Your roots are your connection to your ancestors and the earth. Remembering and embodying the cultural heritages that have been buried within religions, hierarchy and dogma. This is the catalysts for transformation, we can foster a hopeful mindset, not only within ourselves but also within our children.

Approaching motherhood in this way involves nurturing a sense of compassion and resilience in our children. Self-compassion allows us to acknowledge our fears and anxieties without being overwhelmed by them. Meanwhile, resilience enables us to weather the storms of life without losing hope. Together, these qualities empower our children to confront the world's challenges head-on while maintaining their belief in a better tomorrow.

Open and Honest Communication Forms the Bedrock of a Hopeful Household.

Shows a family spending time together. Represents how an online therapist in California can support you with parenting with hope through online therapy in California.

It is the platform where fears, concerns, hopes, and dreams are shared and understood. It is the conduit for transmitting our vision of a better future to our children. In times of crisis, it’s crucial to have conversations about the state of the world. Discussions that are grounded in reality but infused with optimism. This is not about denying the challenges we face; it's about facing them with courage and conviction. When we talk about climate change, frame it not as an insurmountable catastrophe, but root it in the why we are suffering from climate change, that the systems created are extractive and destructive.  Raise your kids to understand that they can be part of the solution. Open communication engenders trust, understanding, and ultimately, hope.

Cultivating positivity is about creating a nurturing home environment where hope is the prevailing force. It involves focusing on the good, celebrating small victories, and encouraging a growth mindset. The idea is to foster an environment where challenges are not roadblocks but stepping stones to greater achievements. It's about equipping our children with the understanding that they have the power to effect change, no matter how daunting the challenge seems. 

One Practical Way to Cultivate Positivity is to Begin Each Day with Expressions of Gratitude. 

This simple ritual can help to shift our focus from what is wrong to what is right, thereby fostering a more hopeful perspective. Gratitude is also a powerful antidote to fear. By implementing rituals of gratitude into our daily family life, we can raise children who are not defined by fear but instead, driven and fortified by their inner strength.

Mothering with hope is about creating an environment that sparks optimism in our children. A space where courage, compassion, and resilience prevail over fear and despair. This can be achieved through daily rituals of open communication and gratitude, creating an atmosphere where dreams are nurtured. This is our challenge as parents - to sow seeds of hope in the minds of our children, so they can blossom into a more hopeful world. 

In a World Teeming with Diverse Identities and Families, Hope-Filled Parenting Extends Beyond Our Own Children. 

Shows a parent hugging their child. Represents how online therapy in California and an online therapist in California will support you in being hopeful about the state of the world.

Parenting amid a climate crisis and social upheaval can feel overwhelming. But it is incumbent on us as parents to rise above the despair and model a path of hope and resilience for our children. To parent with hope is to accept the world as it is. While also envisioning a better future. It is to acknowledge the grim realities but to also expose our children to the untapped potential for transformation and rebirth that lie within these very challenges. 

Nurturing hope means that we devote ourselves to instilling in our children the belief that they possess the power to effect change. That they are able to shape the world in ways that are sustainable, equitable, and compassionate. We do this by modeling resilience, encouraging their curiosity and creativity, and opening their minds to diverse perspectives and values.

In a Time When Systems are Crumbling, We Must Teach Our Children Not to Fear The Chaos, but To See It as an Opportunity. 

An opportunity to build a society that is inclusive, respectful of diversity, and committed to justice. This includes extending our love and support to all families, irrespective of how they are constructed or who they comprise. We need to acknowledge and appreciate the diverse ways that individuals approach parenting, and we stand in solidarity with BIPOC parents and LGBTQIA+ parents who may face unique challenges. 

Parenting with hope, then, does not merely involves advocating for a society that nurtures hope for all children. It means to stand up for justice and to create a world where dreams can flourish. A world in which our children, and all children, have an equal chance at creating a better tomorrow. It is only with this vision of hope that we can build the future that we wish for. 

Learn How to Parent With Hope With Online Therapy in California 

Parenting in a time of crisis can be overwhelming and intimidating. It is essential to take care of our own needs and emotions so that we can be there for our children. Online therapy in California offers a safe space to explore your anxieties and challenges, and to help you cultivate resilience, courage, and hope within yourself. If you're feeling overwhelmed or need extra help, online therapy may be a great option for you. Online therapy in California gives parents access to a caring therapist who comes from a diverse background. At Whole Mother Therapy in Pasadena, CA, we strive to help instill hope in our clients and the world around them. By providing a platform for healing, growth, and self-empowerment, we help pave the way for a more hopeful tomorrow. Together, we can create positive change and raise a generation of children who are prepared to tackle the world's most pressing issues with courage and conviction. To explore online therapy simply follow the steps below.

  1. Contact Whole Mother Therapy and Schedule an Appointment.

  2. Learn more about us and online therapy in California.

  3. Take The First Step Towards Parenting With Hope with an Online Therapist.


Our Pasadena-based online therapy practice offers a variety of mental health services to support individuals, single parents, couples, and families. Our services include individual therapy for new parents, postpartum anxiety treatment, therapy for birth trauma, therapy for infant and pregnancy loss, therapy for infertility, postpartum depression support, marriage counseling and couples therapy for new parents, counseling for parental burnout and overwhelm, and online therapy in California for new and expecting parents.

We also offer an eight-week in-person Sacred Motherhood Circle to honor the transitions and transformations of motherhood. Finally, you can read more about our services, values, and resources on our therapy blog.

As an inclusive practice with BIPOC and queer practitioners, we want you to know that this is a safe and affirming space. Our practice is LGBTQIA+-allied and welcomes diversity of race, religion, sexual orientation, and gender identity. When you’re ready for support, we hold a healthy, inviting space for you to heal, grow, and develop with us.

Sepideh Hakimzadeh