What Does it Mean to Demystify Decolonial or Liberation-Focused Parenting

Decolonial or liberation-focused parenting is rooted in recognizing we are living in late-stage capitalism, disconnected from our lineages and the Earth. It means that our parenting takes into consideration we are not separate but collectively one, understanding what happens to the Earth or in another country has a direct impact on us. It recognizes that in the systems we live in there are power dynamics that shape our lives and relationships. Particularly when raising children. Decolonial or liberation-focused parenting also values an individual's cultural roots. It acknowledges the importance of collective decision-making in family life

When parenting with this focus, it allows us as parents, caregivers, or birthing folx to confront oppressive systems, structures, and beliefs. We do this by creating a supportive environment for our children to grow and learn. This type of parenting is not only beneficial to the child, but also to society as well. It works towards empowering families in their communities, allowing them to create meaningful spaces filled with love, respect, and understanding. It opens up possibilities for children from oppressed backgrounds and it helps acknowledge the privilege and resources that you may have at your disposal. It also works to empower children and their parents in understanding our interconnectedness.

It Provides Them With Tools to Better Understand Their Identities and The World Around Them.

Shows a family in the kitchen talking. Represents how an online support group in california can support families in adopting a decolonize parenting style. Search for "new parent counseling in pasadena, ca" today!

In California, nurturing decolonial and liberation-focused parenting practices is crucial for helping children better comprehend their identities and their place in society. Finding an online support group in California, such as postpartum support in Pasadena, CA, can be a valuable resource for parents, caregivers, and birthing folx. Together, we can foster environments where our children can critically analyze the information they encounter. By equipping them with these essential tools, we empower them to navigate the world with a keen awareness of their surroundings. Modeling this behavior and engaging in meaningful conversations about their experiences in the world becomes a cornerstone of this transformative parenting approach.

Through decolonial or liberation-focused parenting, children are given the opportunity to understand their identities better and how they relate to broader society. As parents, caregivers, and birthing folx, we can work together in creating spaces of understanding for our children. We do this by providing them with the tools to critically analyze information and content that is presented to them. We can also model this behavior and actively engage in conversations with our children about the world they live in and how they interact within it. 

Furthermore, we are given a chance to show them that their culture is valid, important, and worthy of preservation. The reason why our cultural backgrounds are so significant is because they help shape our understanding of the world and how we interact within it. Helping our children understand how the oppressive nature of parenting within our society sets us up for failure is also essential. This helps to create a stronger sense of connection in our families. Allowing us to implement the principles of decolonial and liberation-focused parenting into our everyday lives. 

Capitalism, Racism, the Patriarchy, and Other Forms of Oppression

One of the main goals of decolonial parenting is to deconstruct oppressive systems and structures. We do this by disrupting the dominant discourse surrounding our families and their relationships to our cultures. Capitalism, racism, patriarchy, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, gender-based violence; all these oppressive systems are present in many forms within our society. Motherhood, parenthood, and birthing are all affected by these factors. There is no village to support families once the child is born.

There are expectations of parents working, paying for childcare, and being able to provide the basic necessities for their family. It is a challenge that many families are facing. Capitalism is at the forefront of this challenge. It prevents families from being there for their children and providing them with a safe and equitable environment to grow up in. Decolonial parenting is about shifting these ideologies away from the norm of traditional parenting. 

Furthermore, Racism is Still Alive and Well in Our Society. So is Xenophobia.

Shows a woman helping her teen get dressed. Represents how online therapy in california can help support parents in practicing decolonize parenting. Search "new parent counseling in pasadena, ca" today to learn more!

Racism and xenophobia are very real challenges faced by many families of color, immigrant families, and other marginalized groups. No longer do families have rituals and ceremonies that pass down certain knowledge to children. Tribes have lost their traditional values, due to colonization. Their native language forgotten, or the language of the oppressor forced upon them. 

Decolonial parenting can be used as a tool for liberation. Creating an environment to support our families of color, immigrant families, and other marginalized groups to thrive. Allowing our children to gain a better understanding of their identities and how they fit into a broader society. We can implement rituals of our ancestors that can help our children feel connected to their cultural roots. Taking back our narratives and creating a space for our families to grow and learn. 

Decolonial and Liberation-Focused Parenting Empowers Us to Stand Against Oppression. 

It is a way to empower ourselves, our families, and our communities. There is a lack of connection amongst our families in today’s society. Decolonial parenting works to restore that connection and create meaningful bonds between parents, caregivers, and birthing folx. The metaphorical village that is spouted about in the media is not a thing. The power of decolonial parenting gives us an opportunity to create a village. A village of support, love, and understanding for our families and children. 

We are no longer just relying on the system that has put us in this place. We are taking back our narratives and creating something beautiful from it. Decolonial parenting is a tool to stand up against oppressive systems. To create a better society, and most importantly, to empower ourselves and our children. It allows us to take back our power from a corrupt system and connect us back to our ancestral roots.

Carrying On Our Legacies

Shows three generations of a family. Represents how an online support group in california can help parents feel more connected. Search "online therapy in california" to find a group to support your family.

Cultural legacies are a vital part of our identity. They shape who we are and how we view the world. Decolonial parenting allows us to carry on these legacies for future generations. To create an equitable society, where all children can thrive and reach their full potential. It helps us make rituals of our ancestors relevant to the lives of our children today. Making dinner a teaching moment, reading stories with cultural significance, and providing an environment where our children can feel connected to their heritage. 

Decolonial parenting gives us the opportunity to take back the power that has been taken from us. It is a way to empower our families and create strong bonds between parents, caregivers, and birthing folx. Slowly liberating us from an oppressive system, and providing our children with a better understanding of their identities. But also how they fit into the world. Where they came from, and in turn, where they are going. It is a tool that allows us to create meaningful connections and build a stronger society for our families. 

Children Will Understand Where They Come From.

Decolonial parenting gives us the chance to pass down our cultures in a meaningful way. Our children will understand where they come from, while also gaining a new appreciation for their heritage and identity. It creates an environment of love and respect for our families to grow and learn in. They will see the fallacies that exist in our society and understand that they can make a difference.

Our children will learn how to take back their identity, their culture, and their power. They will be able to stand up against oppressive systems and create meaningful change in our world. Decolonial parenting gives us the opportunity to pass down a legacy of resilience, strength, and self-determination for future generations. It is a tool that allows us to create a better society for all members of our families. A society that is equitable and inclusive, and where all children can thrive. Where all families can connect and create meaningful relationships. 


Parenting in a way that is equitable and inclusive can be challenging. Many of us are navigating these systems as best we can, given limited resources and support. If you're feeling overwhelmed or need extra help, online therapy may be a great option for you. Online therapy in California gives parents access to caring therapists who come from diverse backgrounds. At Whole Mother Therapy in Pasadena, CA, we strive to uphold the values of decolonial parenting. We know the systems in place are oppressive and strive to provide a safe and supportive environment for parents. To explore online therapy and/or online pregnancy and postpartum support groups, simply follow the steps below.

  1. Contact Whole Mother Therapy.

  2. Learn more about us and online therapy in California.

  3. Get the support you need from an online therapist.


Our Pasadena-based online therapy practice offers a variety of mental health services to support individuals, single parents, couples, and families. Our services include individual therapy for new parents, postpartum anxiety treatment, therapy for birth trauma, therapy for infant and pregnancy loss, therapy for infertility, postpartum depression support, marriage counseling and couples therapy for new parents, counseling for parental burnout and overwhelm, and online therapy in California for new and expecting parents.

We also offer an eight-week in-person Sacred Motherhood Circle to honor the transitions and transformations of motherhood. And we hold several support groups, including an online pregnancy support group and an online postpartum support group. Finally, you can read more about our services, values, and resources on our therapy blog.

As an inclusive practice with BIPOC and queer practitioners, we want you to know that this is a safe and affirming space. Our practice is LGBTQIA+-allied and welcomes diversity of race, religion, sexual orientation, and gender identity. When you’re ready for support, we hold a healthy, inviting space for you to heal, grow, and develop with us.

Sepideh Hakimzadeh